Looking out over the audience one would think it's made up of primarily college students because they are the most noticeable, with scantily clad bodies and bizarre hair. Next, one would think it's definitely a younger crowd because you notice teenagers with skateboards, footballs, and bathing suits. But, if one pays attention, it's actually a mixed crowd, with emphasis on families and the elderly. It's just they're dressed sedately, blending into background. Like society in general.
Wondering why I'm bringing this up instead of discussing politics? Because an event happened recently, giving me hope. Hope that American people will speak out, making their preferences known come 2010/2012. Hope that things will move from Far Left where decency's in short supply. Hope that America's still home of the brave, land of the free. Free to have what we want, not what's foisted upon us. Brave enough to protest if it isn't!
Back to the music, though. They tried out two groups, that hadn't played concerts in the park before. The first, a Celtic band, played jigs and ballads, making everyone feel good. After intermission, the other group began, and things went downhill.
Their first song had four-letter words and a sizable group departed. The second song also contained four-letter words and another exodus took place. By the third song, which started out telling about a dog dying and getting buried in the backyard, there was a skimpy group left. When the concert ended, the remainder was smaller than I've ever seen at these events.
I don't know whether it was the band or organizers who'd misjudged, but it was apparent that someone had. People coming to these concerts are usually in family groups and groups of families. There're lots of married with children, with multi-generational gatherings, and senior citizens groups. Not the crowd who'd be appreciative of four-letter words. And, not the venue for depressing music.
Most come out for a pleasant evening, bringing picnics and wanting light-hearted music while visiting with friends and family. No political enlightenment on some musicians' views of the woes of society. No judgment of us as prejudiced or beating us over the head with the need to change. We don't want to hear them apologizing for what's happened in the world. We have a President who does that enough.
Which brings me back to the political side and my hopes. I'm hoping that, just like people got up and walked out on the band that was destroying the ambience of the evening, Americans will walk out on supporting an administration and government that's destroying America. It's my hope that the quiet, less noticeable majority of decent, hard-working, God-fearing people will finally triumph over the ever louder, can't be missed minority of the Far Left fringe.
My husband and I didn't walk out, because we wanted to give the band a fair break, hoping the first few songs weren't the whole theme. We were wrong. However, staying gave me the opportunity to speak with an organizer, letting him know my opinion on bands. I gave "A+" to first and "F" to second. It might not count for anything, but if organizers are at all clued in, they'll add up reports and walk-outs, coming up with final score that says don't invite second group back … EVER!
I know it's too much to hope America will do the same in politics. We'll always invite second group back. Re-learning--no make that re-experiencing--mistakes, again and again. Just in my lifetime it has happened more than I care to remember. JFK, LBJ, Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, and now Barack Hussein Obama.
But, if we at least keep bringing back the first group, maybe looking for more musicians like them, or even better, perhaps we'll eventually not have to make use of the second band at all. We can truly have change, moving on to be a better society. A society with real hope and opportunity, not the false premise of equality that's dragging everyone to the bottom level just to make it fair for everybody, but a reality that works to make everyone want to achieve their best.
© Suzann C. Darnall, June 2009 REPRINT