But to the point! This MITTMENTUM is going wild for me. I had a call before I got up this morning from a lady who'd gotten stickers earlier and she wanted more for friends who are getting excited. So, she was at the door with a contribution before I got dressed and downstairs. No sooner had she gotten her stickers than another lady called with the same request, and she was at the door in moments, donation in hand. I got Pat a bite of breakfast and took a call from a gentleman who had also gotten stickers, and he needed 5 more. I told him I'd meet him at Home Depot. As I got out of the van to give him his stickers, he asked a couple parked next to our cars if they wanted a Romney Sticker. Yup! So, I gave him his 5, took his contribution, and started putting one on the couple's SUV. We had a great conversation, they were all just gushing about the excitement they are seeing, and they were all fully inflamed by what Obama and crowd failed to do when the Benghazi Embassy former Navy Seal called three times for military assistance and got nothing. Delightful to be with folks like that!
I went over to WalMart for an item, and a gentleman wearing a Korea-Vietnam Veteran cap wished me "Welcome Home!" He said, "I hope we see things improve soon." I asked him if he wanted a Romney sticker. He was a very well set up fella, so I wasn't sure he'd want one on his car. "You bet!" He told me where his (big beautiful new) Lincoln was parked and said I could put one on it.
As I was putting on that Romney sticker, a man walked up to me and asked, "Is that your van over there?" I confirmed that it was." He said, "I see you are a veteran. I have some concerns. I go to the VA all the time, and I'm a veteran. I want to tell you what Romney is not going to do for Veterans." I could tell he was in the Romney attack mode. I said, "Sir, I've voted. I'm fully behind Romney, so I don't want to have this conversation." He became very animated and would not shut up. He appeared to be a stroke victim from his gait. I kept putting on the sticker. He was ranting by that time. A couple came out, saw what was happening and heard him. They apologized for his comments, and I told them, "I'm delighted. They are going nuts!" The fellow wandered off. It appears he was watching the lot for Romney supporters to accost. This couple was very nice, we chatted and they wanted a sticker for her car. We walked over to my van, and I noticed that the Veteran for Obama had driven up adjacent to us and stopped. I told them, "He's wanting another go at me!" We laughed, I gave them their sticker, and as they started to walk back to their car, he started having a go at them, too. Whatever they said infuriated him, and he started yelling at them, "You're liars! You're liars!" Another car had driven up behind him and was being delayed. The driver heard what was going on, and he started yelling at the VFO to move on, then gave me a thumbs-up, and yelled loud enough for the VFO to hear, "They know they're losing, and they are going insane!" The VFO yelled at me, "I should get out of this car and beat your head in!" I don't know that a stroke victim could do that to me or not, but he was mad enough to give it a try, and I can say I got threatened with death by a liberal Obama supporter, haha. He then stuck his foot in his accelerator and roared away through the parking lot.
So, I put on the stickers and distributed 11 more this morning. I also gave out the last 4 "American Needs an American, Romney, Believe in American" stickers as well. I think the contributions roughly cover the number of stickers I put out. Altogether, quite a morning! If this is an indicator, the pace is picking up rapidly, not slowing.
Lookin' good! Go MITT!
© Colonel Curtis D. Dale, PhD USAF (Ret), OCTOBER 2012, Parker, Colorado