Go whack somebody.
I gotta have an October Surprise.
Libya! Syria! Anybody!

Curt Dale

WHOA!, what's this big plan Obama has as Commander in Chief? There's talk of him figuring out some sorta hit on Libya. Other talk is that it's some sorta hit on Syria. Gotta have an October Surprise of some sort!

Is Obama thinkin', "Anything! Just go whack somebody, so I can yell, 'We got 'em!' Get Romney and Ryan off my neck! They're eatin' me alive, guys! I gotta be President. I can't take Michelle My Belle and the girls on vacations if I'm not President, man! No dates to NYC! Do you think I can afford another one of those $10 million vacations to Mexico for one of them if I lose this election? I need those perks! Romney's rich enough that he doesn't need 'em. I'm not that rich! Help me, guys!"

© Colonel Curtis D. Dale, PhD USAF (Ret), OCTOBER 2012, Parker, Colorado

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