Political climate change left you feeling out in the cold?
An unwaveringly Conservative site that supports the Constitution to its very core. We're not radical, but some will say we are. We're not Far Right Wing, but some will say we are. We unabashedly believe in God, prayer and the Right to Life. We're not Moderate, because Moderates sometimes don't know what they believe. We do! Yes, we're Republican, but not the RINO type. If there's anything President Barack Hussein Obama's Administration has done, thus far, that we totally agree with, we haven't found it yet. If you're basically against what he's doing, whether GOP, Libertarian, Independent, or Democrat, we're probably in the same court. So, don't expect to see any John McCain-like appeasement and ambivalence in our opinions about what's going on in Washington. Expect hard hitting, strongly stated, well researched, and fair assessments, with no footnotes to our opinions. But, don't go overboard expecting "fair and balanced" if that means we must agree, 50-50, with Liberals. Ain't gonna happen! We're definitively partisan against the Socialistic path our nation is headed down under Obama, Pelosi and Reid, and don't hesitate to say so. Wooly Mammoth trumpets the truth!
If you have articles, websites, opinions, links, or books that you want to share or promote, please contact us via email WoolyMammoth.Org. We will be pleased to post those which we feel are appropriate to our own views and will be of interest to our readers. We are not concerned with being "fair and balanced", so please do not share anything that presents the views of the Far Left. We do not care to do a job that the liberal media is already holding nearly exclusive rights to performing. We refuse to blow Obama's horn. We prefer to trumpet the truth!!!Website © 2009 SCD